Existing Approaches and Development Perspectives for Inferences
Inference Theory, Hypotheses Testing, p-value test, Frequentist Test, Bayesian Method, Constrained Bayesian Method, Berger’s Test, Wald’s MethodAbstract
Statistical hypotheses testing is one of the basic direction of mathematical statistics the methods of which are widely used in theoretical research and practical applications. These methods are widely used in medical researches too. Scientists of different fields, among them of medical too, that are not experts in statistics, are often faced with the dilemma of which method to use for solving the problem they are interested. The article is devoted to helping the specialists in solving this problem and in finding the optimal resolution. For this purpose, here are very simple and clearly explained the essences of the existed approaches and are shown their positive and negative sides and are given the recommendations about their use depending on existed information and the aim that must be reached as a result of an investigation.
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