Cooperative Strategic Entrepreneurship: A Case Study from Indonesia


  • Mochamad Heru Riza Chakim Department of Social and Political Science, Jl. Bukit Dago Utara No.25, Dago, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135, Indonesia
  • Erna Maulina Department of Social and Political Science, Jl. Bukit Dago Utara No.25, Dago, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135, Indonesia
  • Margo Purnomo Department of Social and Political Science, Jl. Bukit Dago Utara No.25, Dago, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135, Indonesia
  • Anang Muftiadi Department of Social and Political Science, Jl. Bukit Dago Utara No.25, Dago, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135, Indonesia
  • Achsanul Qosasi Department of Social and Political Science, Jl. Bukit Dago Utara No.25, Dago, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40135, Indonesia



Strategic entrepreneurship, cooperative, social enterprises, Indonesia


This article offers an in-depth case study of the relevance of dairy cow milk cooperatives in Indonesia that align with the concept of strategic entrepreneurship in social benefit practices. An advocacy lens based on the strategic entrepreneurship model is used by making comparisons of the constructs that form strategic entrepreneurship to bridge a practical understanding of cooperatives with local cultural backgrounds. Descriptive analysis is used to report interrelated themes in the case study of cooperative organizations and finally interpretation.

An interesting finding is based on the research results, that is, the wealth creation of an organization is not the final model variable, but a social benefit variable, which then becomes a cycle of environmental resources. Cooperatives realize that personal benefits are not a sub-variable of constructing goals. This research describes the dynamics of the opening of the concept of strategic entrepreneurship in cooperative companies that consider new social risks and benefits.


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How to Cite

Riza Chakim, M. H. ., Maulina, E., Purnomo, M., Muftiadi, A., & Qosasi, A. (2021). Cooperative Strategic Entrepreneurship: A Case Study from Indonesia. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 10, 1290–1297.


