Semiotic Discourse of the Socio-Political Sphere of the Modern Russian Society: Challenges of Multimodality
Socio-political sphere, semiotics, sign, symbol, semiotic discourse, semiotic mode, discursive practices, multimodality, Russian society.Abstract
The article discusses the semiotic discourse of the socio-political sphere of modern Russian society. The modern challenges of multimodality of the socio-political sphere of modern Russian society are analyzed, taking into account the interdisciplinarity of meaningful sign and symbolic constructions. The semiotic discourse of the socio-political sphere is a certain type of interdisciplinary analytical research of socio-political communication aimed at interpreting the process of creating semantic meaning as social and political practice. Multi- in the term “multimodality” implies the fact that there are a number of modes available for reproduction by all members of a social or political community. The semiotic approach to the socio-political sphere of Russian society is utilized to accomplish this study. Furthermore, Studies of the concept of discourse, as well as the specifics of the use of this concept and the development of discourse analysis as a method in the socio-political scientific field, are taken into account to achieve the purpose of the study.
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Shakhbanova M.M., Kasyanov V.V., Gafiatulina N.Kh., Gluzman I.V., Polivina M.A., Gnatyuk M.A., Ramazanov R.O. The role of trust in the formation of ethnic tolerance and social health in the modern Russian society. Revista Inclusiones. 2019. Vol. 6. No 2. Pp. 296-305.
Shilina S.A. Management discourse as a communication technology in the system of relations between the state and society: Diss ... Dr. Sociol. Sciences. M., 2015. 311 p.
Sociology: Encyclopedia comp. A.A. Gritsanov, V.L. Abushenko et al. Mn. 2003.1312 p.
T. van Dyck. Discourse and dominance // Modern discourse analysis. 2009. No. 1. V.1 // http: //www.discourse
Volokhonskaya, M. S. Discourse analysis as a method of researching trust in Internet communication // Department of Psychology, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen //
Whitehead A.N. Symbolism, its meaning and impact. Tomsk: Publishing house "Aquarius", 1999. 64 p.
Willwright F. Metaphor and reality // Theory of metaphor / comp. N.D. Arutyunova. M.: Progress, 1990, pp. 98-108.
Zagidullina M.V. Journalism theory: on the issue of indigenization of domestic media research // Sign: problem field of media education. 2015. No1.
Zolyan S.T. Semiotics and pragmasemantics of political discourse // Political science. 2016. No3. Pp. 47-76.
Blinova O. A. (2019). Multimodality in Online Political Discourse: Internet Memes about Scottish Independence. Nauchnyi dialog, 10: 79-93. (In Russ.). DOI:
Boehm, G., Mitchell, W.J.T. (2009), Pictorial versus Iconic Turn: Two Letters. Culture, Theory and Critique, Vol. 50, pp. 103-121. DOI:
Brazgovskaya E.E. Semiotics. Languages and cultural codes. M.: Yurayt. 2019. 187 p.
Brown Gillian, Yule George. Discourse Analysis | Publisher: Cambridge university Press / Number Of pages: 304/ Publication Date: 1983-08-31. ISBN -10N: 0521284759. nauki/lingvistika /DISKURS.html?page=0,1
Edelman M. Politics as symbolic action. Mass arousal and quiescence. – Chicago: Markham publishing company, 1971. 188 p.
Fairclough, N. Dialectics of Discourse // Modern Discourse Analysis. 2009. No1. Vol.1 // http: // www.
Foucault, M. Order of Discourse // Will to Truth: Beyond Knowledge, Power and Sexuality. Works of different years. Trans. from French S. Tabachnikova. M.: Castal, 1996.448 p.
Gafiatulina N.K., Makadey L.I., Gluzman I.V., Lozhechkina A.D., Volkova L.A., Bandurin A.P. The role of health-saving technologies in the process of students’ educational and professional socialization. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences. 2019. Vol. 13. No 2. Pp. 1557 - 1563.
Gafiatulina N.Kh., Makadei L.I., Gluzman I.V., Lozhechkina A.D., Volkova L.A., Bandurin A.P. (2019). Integration of health-saving technologies in the process of educational and professional socialization of the Russian student-age population. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2019. Vol. 8. No 2.1. Pp. 293 - 300.
Gavrilova M.V. Social semiotics: Theoretical foundations and principles of the analysis of multimodal texts // Political Science. 2016. No3. pp. 101-117.
Gellner Ernest. Nations and nationalism. M.: Progress. 1991. 126 p.
Jewitt C. Handbook of Multimodal Analysis. London: Routledge, 2009. 340 p.
Karapetyan ?.?., Prokhorenko ?.N., Petrov A.A. Communicative competence in the system of preparation of student youth in educational space // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. 2019. No12.
Kibrik A.A. Multimodal Linguistics // Cognitive Research: A Collection of Scientific Papers. Vol. 4 / exec. ed. Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.D. Soloviev. M.: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. Pp. 134–152.
Kovaleva T.N., Maslova Yu.V., Kovalev N.A., Karapetyan E.A., Samygin S.I., Kaznacheeva O.K., Lyashenko N.V. Ecohumanistic education in Russia and China as a factor of sustainable development of modern civilization. Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. 2019. Vol. 6. No S3, P. 11.
Kozhemyakin, E.A. Discourse analysis as an interdisciplinary methodology: historical aspect // Scientific reports of Belgorod State University. Series: Humanities. 2008. No. 2. Vol. 15 //
Kress G. Social semiotics and the challenges of multimodality // Political Science. 2016. No3. Pp. 77-100.
Kress G.R., van Leeuwen T. Multimodal Discourse: The modes and media of contemporary communication. London: Edward Arnold, 2001. 152 p
Losev A.F. The logic of the symbol // Losev A.F. Philosophy. Mythology. The culture. M.: Politizdat, 1991.
Malinova O.Yu. The construction of meanings: the study of symbolic politics in modern Russia: a monograph. RAS. INION. M., 2013. 421 p.
Mead J. From gesture to symbol // American Sociological Thought: Texts / Ed. V.I.Dobrenkova. M., 1994. P. 223.
Omelchenko V.A., Remchukova E.N. Polycode texts in the aspect of the theory of multimodality // Communicative research. 2018. No3 (17). Pp. 66-78.
Pavlova V.S. Possibilities of applying the principles and technologies of semiotics in the graphic design of advertising // Bulletin of ZabSU. 2013. No3 (94). Pp. 59-65.
Phillips L., Jorgensen M.V. Discourse analysis. Theory and Method. Kh.: Publishing house ""Humanitarian Center"", 2008.
Pierce C.S. The beginning of pragmatism: Transl. from English: In 2 Vol., St. Petersburg: Laboratory of Metaphysical Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, St.PSU; Aletheya, 2000. Vol. 2. The logical basis of the theory of signs. P. 93.
Potseluev S.P. Symbolic politics as dramatization and aesthetization // Policy. M., 1999. No. 5 Pp. 62–76.
Ricoeur P. Conflict of Interpretation: Essays on Hermeneutics / Mosk. Philos. fund. M.: ""Academia-Center""; ""MEDIUM"", 1995. 416 p.
Shakhbanova M.M., Kasyanov V.V., Gafiatulina N.Kh., Gluzman I.V., Polivina M.A., Gnatyuk M.A., Ramazanov R.O. The role of trust in the formation of ethnic tolerance and social health in the modern Russian society. Revista Inclusiones. 2019. Vol. 6. No 2. Pp. 296-305.
Shilina S.A. Management discourse as a communication technology in the system of relations between the state and society: Diss ... Dr. Sociol. Sciences. M., 2015. 311 p.
Sociology: Encyclopedia comp. A.A. Gritsanov, V.L. Abushenko et al. Mn. 2003.1312 p.
T. van Dyck. Discourse and dominance // Modern discourse analysis. 2009. No. 1. V.1 // http: //www.discourse
Volokhonskaya, M. S. Discourse analysis as a method of researching trust in Internet communication // Department of Psychology, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen //
Whitehead A.N. Symbolism, its meaning and impact. Tomsk: Publishing house ""Aquarius"", 1999. 64 p.
Willwright F. Metaphor and reality // Theory of metaphor / comp. N.D. Arutyunova. M.: Progress, 1990, pp. 98-108.
Zagidullina M.V. Journalism theory: on the issue of indigenization of domestic media research // Sign: problem field of media education. 2015. No1.
Zolyan S.T. Semiotics and pragmasemantics of political discourse // Political science. 2016. No3. Pp. 47-76.
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