Modern Educational Technologies in a Fractal Approach Implementation in the Math Lessons (on the Example of Learning a Probability-Statistical Line Elements)
Education, stochastics, technology, fractal approach, learners.Abstract
The article aims to reveal the didactic potential of modern educational technologies used within the framework of the fractal approach in teaching stochastics to learners, to show the effectiveness of fractal approach technologies in practice experimentally. In the course of the scientific research, the authors employed scientific analysis of literary sources on philosophical and methodological problems associated with the introduction of a fractal approach in teaching and informatization of education; systematization and generalization of the principles of fractal pedagogy; study, analysis, and concretization of advanced pedagogical experience in the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process; observation and analysis of the results of educational activities of seventh graders; and pedagogical experiment. This research allowed for identifying a group of modern educational technologies in the implementation of the fractal approach in mathematics lessons and identifying their didactic potential and possibilities of using, which is reflected in Table 1 of the main text of this publication. At the same time, it was found that the technologies of the fractal approach in teaching are quite useful: the experimental group received the best result.
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