Yield Curve Forecasts and the Predictive Power of Macro Variables in a VAR Framework


  • Luciano Vereda Fluminense Federal University
  • Hélio Lopes Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Jessica Kubrusly Fluminense Federal University
  • Adrian Pizzinga Fluminense Federal University




Macroeconomic variables, Nelson and Siegel curve, term structure of interest rates, VAR models, yield curve.


Recent macro-finance papers have documented the importance of adding information from macro variables in order to improve out-of-sample forecasting performance of bond yields. This paper aims at investigating the reasons for this success. We use Diebold and Li's dynamic version of the Nelson and Siegel exponential approximation of the yield curve to estimate the factors that govern its dynamics. Factors and macro variables are modeled simultaneously in a VAR framework, which is then used to forecast the factors. Our main conclusions are (i) this framework is useful in forecasting slope and curvature factors, but not the level factor; and (ii) to get good results in forecasting the level factor, one needs a macro model which incorporates variables related to long-run trends and expectations.

Author Biographies

Luciano Vereda, Fluminense Federal University


Hélio Lopes, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro


Jessica Kubrusly, Fluminense Federal University


Adrian Pizzinga, Fluminense Federal University



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How to Cite

Vereda, L., Lopes, H., Kubrusly, J., & Pizzinga, A. (2014). Yield Curve Forecasts and the Predictive Power of Macro Variables in a VAR Framework. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 3, 377–393. https://doi.org/10.6000/1929-7092.2014.03.29


