Analysis of the Sustainability of Selected Targeted NGO Interventions for a Representative Small-Scale Farm Family in Ecuador


  • Richard “Jake” Erickson Utah State University and the Royal Agricultural College
  • DeeVon Bailey Utah State University
  • Ruby Ward Utah State University
  • Karin Allen Utah State University



International development, NGOs, small-scale agricultureInternational development, small-scale agriculture


Linear programming techniques are used to illustrate the potential effects of targeted agricultural development interventions by non-governmental organizations. The results demonstrate the interconnection of nutrition, agricultural production, and economics in determining optimum decisions for farm families in the study area in northern Ecuador. The findings suggest that planned interventions for small-scale farmers should first consider a range of nutritional, agricultural, and economic factors before an intervention is implemented. Otherwise, planned interventions that focus on only one aspect of the family's well-being have a high probability of being unsustainable

Author Biographies

Richard “Jake” Erickson, Utah State University and the Royal Agricultural College

former graduate student, Department of Applied Economics, Utah State University

DeeVon Bailey, Utah State University

Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Utah State University

Ruby Ward, Utah State University

Associate Professor, Departemnt of Applied Economics, Utah State University

Karin Allen, Utah State University

Assistant Professor and Extenion Food Quality and Entrepreneurship Specialist, Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences, Utah State University


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How to Cite

Erickson, R. “Jake”, Bailey, D., Ward, R., & Allen, K. (2013). Analysis of the Sustainability of Selected Targeted NGO Interventions for a Representative Small-Scale Farm Family in Ecuador. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 2, 291–306.


