Students Interest in Research and Tendency to Acquire Research Skills among Postgraduate Students with Learning Disabilities (LD) in Two Public Universities of Cross River State, Nigeria: Implications for Psychology


  • Emmanuel Uminya Ikwen Department of Special Education, Faculty of Vocational and Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Remi Modupe Omoogun Department of Environmental Education, Faculty of Art and Social Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Samson Akinwumi Aderibighe Department of Special Education, Faculty of Vocational and Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Akongi Unimke Sylvester Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Philip Abane Okpechi Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • A. Ambor Ogar Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Clarence Odey Odey Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Nneka Sophie Amalu Department of History and International Studies, Faculty of Art, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Felicia Akpana Unimuke Department of Special Education, Faculty of Vocational and Science Education, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Roseline Ekim Dick Department of Psychological Foundations of Education, University of Uyo, Nigeria
  • Henriette Osayi Uchegbu Department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Chiaka Patience Denigwe Department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Chidirim Esther Nwogwugwu Department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Sylvia Victor Ovat Department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Blessing Agbo Ntamu Department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Pauline Unwada Ekpang Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Matilda Ernest Eteng Department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Florence A. Undiyaundeye Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • Joy Dianabasi Eduwem Department of Measurement and Evaluation, Faculty of Education, University of Uyo, Nigeria
  • Samuel Eburu Odey Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Faculty of Educational Foundations, University of Calabar, Nigeria



Interest, learning disabilities, research skills, psychology


Background: Learning disability is a permanent condition caused by abnormalities in the growth and development of the human brain, which has enormous implications for an individual's general performance.

Aim: This study investigated how students’ interest in research predicted the tendency to acquire research skills among postgraduate students with Learning Disabilities (LD) in two Public Universities of Cross River State, Nigeria: Implications for Psychology. One objective, one purpose, and one statement of hypothesis were formulated. A literature review was carried out.

Method: The survey research design was utilized. A stratified random sampling technique was adopted, and 49 respondents were sampled. A 16-item four-point modified Likert scale questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The face and content validity of the instrument were established. The reliability estimates are 0.84 using the Cronbach Alpha method. A simple linear regression statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis. The hypothesis was tested at the 0.05 level of significance.

Results: The results revealed that interest significantly predicts postgraduate students with learning disabilities' tendency to acquire research skills. Hence, the more interested students with learning disabilities are in research, the more likely they are to develop strong research skills. Research skills are crucial for postgraduate studies, particularly for thesis writing, dissertation projects, and contributing to academic knowledge. By fostering research interest, universities can enhance the overall academic success of their postgraduate students.

Conclusion: Interest in research significantly predicts postgraduate students' tendency to acquire research skills in the research area. Given the significant role of knowledge in humanity, acquiring research skills is integral to man. Graduate schools should have internal seminars and workshops, making it mandatory for students to present standard papers.


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How to Cite

Ikwen, E. U. ., Omoogun, R. M. ., Aderibighe, S. A. ., Sylvester, A. U. ., Okpechi, P. A. ., Ogar, A. A. ., Odey, C. O. ., Amalu, N. S. ., Unimuke, F. A. ., Dick, R. E. ., Uchegbu, H. O. ., Denigwe, C. P. ., Nwogwugwu, C. E. ., Ovat, S. V. ., Ntamu, B. A. ., Ekpang, P. U. ., Eteng, M. E. ., Undiyaundeye, F. A. ., Eduwem, J. D. ., & Odey, S. E. . (2024). Students Interest in Research and Tendency to Acquire Research Skills among Postgraduate Students with Learning Disabilities (LD) in Two Public Universities of Cross River State, Nigeria: Implications for Psychology. Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, 12(4), 197–210.



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