Directions and Practices for Implementing Early Care for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Ukrainian and Swedish ECEC System


  • Valentyna Tarasun Department of Speech Therapy and Speech Psychology, Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education, Ukrainian State University named after M. Drahomanov, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Nataliia Melnyk Professor of Foreign Languages and Translation Department, Deputy Dean of Linguistics and Social Communications Faculty, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Stepanova Department of Psychology, Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Educational and Scientific Humanitarian Institute, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolaiv, Ukraine
  • Tamiliia Dotsevych Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education, Social-Psychological Faculty, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Pereiaslav, Ukraine
  • Olena Al-Mrayat Head of Neuropsychological Center for the Harmonious Development of Children ‘Ya-Chudo!’, Ukraine



Developmental disabilities, Ukrainian/Swedish, early childhood education and care (ECEC) system


Background: This article explores the strategies and approaches used in Ukraine and Sweden's Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) systems for providing early care to children with developmental disabilities. It examines the similarities and differences in policies, legislation, professional training, family involvement, resource allocation, service provision, integration vs. segregation practices, and cultural attitudes toward disability between the two countries.

Methods: This study used questionnaires and surveys, analysis of learning outcomes, performance evaluation, and an expert evaluation method.

Results: The authors analyze Ukrainian best practices for implementing early care for children with developmental disabilities. In the example of the Swedish system and the context of a comparative investigation of early care for children with developmental disabilities in the countries under analysis, the authors pointed out the strengths and weak aspects of both systems and distinguished the similarities and differences. The theoretical study allowed the practical perspectives and critical Swedish practices that could be implemented in modern Ukrainian practices, among which the most perspectives are those related to early intervention programs, individualized support plans, and fostering partnerships with community organizations and healthcare providers.

Rresearch Limitation: The experimental part of the study included a relatively small sample size (50 respondents) and was characterized by a short duration (three months). This may limit the ability to generalize the results.

Conclusions: Additionally, the emphasis on inclusive curriculum and environments, as well as professional development opportunities for educators on inclusive practices, could significantly enhance modern Ukrainian practices in early care for children with developmental disabilities.


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How to Cite

Tarasun, V. ., Melnyk, N. ., Stepanova, T. ., Dotsevych, T. ., & Al-Mrayat, O. . (2024). Directions and Practices for Implementing Early Care for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Ukrainian and Swedish ECEC System. Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment, 12(2), 83–91.



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